Today’s media-saturated environment represents an enormous challenge for anyone wishing to deliver a compelling message – but it also presents a golden opportunity. Our consistent ability to rise above the competition, create content that stands out, and produce professional videos of higher quality which carry longer, further, and louder yields enormous results for our clients.
Whether it’s an avalanche of videos on YouTube, a concentrated KickStarter campaign designed to raise funds for a feature film, or the slow but steady premieres of videos on Facebook in the weeks leading up to the release of a musical album, we unleash our creativity to devise the most effective strategy to meet each client’s needs.
Selected Work
Book Trailer for Far From the Tree
Our challenge was to create a book trailer for Andrew Solomon’s Far From the Tree – a complex and challenging book that tells the stories of parents and their children who are profoundly different from them. The book explores emotionally challenging subjects such as schizophrenia, deafness, dwarfism, and Down syndrome.
We chose to interview the people featured in Solomon’s book. We employed colored backgrounds and had the interviewees speak directly into the camera lens to provide an intimacy and directness with the viewer. We wanted to emphasize the shared humanity rather than focus on the differences between the viewer and the people on the screen.
The 34 short films produced by NDP became the lynchpin of a significant marketing campaign by Droga5 and propelled the book to become a New York Times bestseller. The videos garnered over 25 million views online. Book editor Nan Graham of Scribner said the videos were “unutterably beautiful” and said the author was “genius for getting Nick Davis to produce these films.”
“What you’ve done is phenomenal. Your understanding of the work is both wise and empathetic.”
Promotional Video for Broadway Musical On The Town
Our challenge was to create a promotional video for the Broadway revival of On The Town. Our goal was to capture the fun energy of a classic if somewhat dated Broadway musical and make it appealing to a younger audience.
We chose to recreate the opening iconic sequence of both the show and film that featured the song “New York, New York” (A Helluva Town) sung by sailors all around NYC. The video’s sequences were updated to reflect a contemporary NYC by interchanging original locations such as Rockefeller Center with an Apple store. Where the original had horses, we updated it with CitiBikes.
The video was released two months before the show opened and has been viewed more than 200k times on YouTube. Ticket sales spiked 400%, and Playbill asked rhetorically: Has there been a better video teaser for a Broadway musical in recent memory?
“The video teed us up beautifully…we got more than our money’s worth!”
Transformed: A Tale of the Rockaways
Tracking and measuring results often gets lost in the day-to-day business world. This can be especially true in the universe of real estate development where success stories often go untold. This marketing film was designed to highlight the commitment and engagement of L+M Development Partners.
In October 2012, the real estate firm L+M was about to close on a big deal: to redevelop Ocean Village, a housing project in the Rockaways, which had fallen into wretchedness and severe disrepair. The tenants were living in squalid conditions; nothing worked; the complex was falling apart with water leaks and mold permeating the premises. Then, just a day before closing on the property, Hurricane Sandy struck the Rockaways, devastating the community and making the distressed property even less valuable. But L+M, with a mission to do good in addition to doing well, didn’t walk away. Would the result bring the housing project back to life?
This short film tracks an incredible, inspiring story of a community’s transformation from despair to hope.
“You captured and humanized a complex real estate development story to make it fascinating, understandable, and relatable to the audience. Fantastic job.”